Monday, December 13, 2010

paramedic practicals (excuse for a road trip)

one must take paramedic practicals to certify as a nationally registered paramedic. i decided to take them in atlanta. why, pray tell? to visit DC, TN, GA, LA, and AL. for everyone's bdays. ok, pics.

Bianca and I drove down to visit on my way down to the practical :)
Bianca's baby boy!
hah! he looks so pretty just like his mama :)
michelin baby!!! love him.

cecelia's puppy

cecelia's little boy (GA)

Sara's baby girl! (TN)

ok ppl...many more pics...but this blogging uploader has me angry. so, i'm going on strike for at least an hour. more to come.


still don't know how to use this thing. but, since i never write in my own diary, i guess i can publicly post what i'd write in my diary...sounds like a great idea.


today i decided to hate christmas. just this year...because $#IOUEIJUIO%#(*#$YRW*EHYFUIDSHFYDS&(R#&*($U#I@QU$JIOHT -edited- sorry...some parts of my diary are probably inappropriate for the internet. ok, i'll shut up now. i know the only reason ppl look at these things are the pics. so here u go.